Henk Swarttouw: Car is an extremely ineffective means of transport in cities

Cities should be designed to facilitate movement of people rather than cars, says Henk Swarttouw, the President of the European Cyclists’ Federation.

Publikacja: 23.07.2023 15:59

Henk Swarttouw, the President of the European Cyclists’ Federation

Henk Swarttouw, the President of the European Cyclists’ Federation

Foto: mat.pras.

At the Velo-city summit in Leipzig Daniel Mes from the office of Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the European Commission, said the EU would see a “tectonic shift” in the approach to bicycles. A bicycle is supposed to be seen as a rightful means of transport. Is it a real alternative to a car?

Of course, especially in cities. There are several reasons to believe it. More than a half of car rides is less than 5 km. We see it everywhere: in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand. What’s more, around 30 percent of car rides is under 3 km. In most cases, there is just one person without much luggage in the car. A straight majority of the drivers is physically capable of covering such distance on a bicycle. As for that, it’s worth emphasizing that there are more people unable to drive a car than to ride a bike. Replacing a part of the short-distance car traffic with bicycle traffic fosters an effective use of metropolitan space, has a positive influence on road and environmental safety, and reduces emissions and noise. In more crowded cities a bicycle is simply a faster means of transport than a car.

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